Our Philosophy
Educators promote children’s learning by planning and implementing a program that provides opportunities for children to learn through play, intentional teaching and spontaneous learning experiences. Our play-based approach to learning builds on children’s natural motivation to play. In this context children can; explore, experiment, discover & solve problems in imaginative & playful ways. Involving both child-initiated and teacher-supported learning, children are encouraged and supported in working towards EYLF Learning Outcomes as they foster new learning experiences. This play-based approach teaches children relevant skills whilst having fun & developing a love of learning.
Our services are committed to the Child Safe Standards which accentuates our zero tolerance for child abuse and raising awareness about the importance of child safety in our service and communities. We are dedicated to protecting children and promoting a child-safe environment, maintaining children’s wellbeing. We adhere to our comprehensive Child Protection Policy, standing by our mandatory reporting responsibilities to protect children from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect. We are dedicated to promoting cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. We value diversity and do not tolerate discriminatory practices. We work in collaboration with the United National Convention on the Rights of Children and have confidence in educating children about their right to be safe. We believe in teaching children what to do if they feel unsafe and encouraging them to express their views and thoughts on matters that directly affect them. We always act to empower children.
Our experienced educators provide an environment that is secure and predictable where children can explore and investigate. The learning environment values cultural and social diversity and provides continuity of learning. The environment demonstrates flexibility and is inclusive of indoor and outdoor opportunities providing a balance of stimulating and quiet experiences that reflect children’s interests, strengths and needs. Learning areas foster the safety, health and wellbeing of each child. Children are empowered to make choices and take ownership of their learning environment. Educators and children work together to learn about and promote the sustainable use of resources and develop practices that become embedded in our daily routine.
The environment supports individuals and families to develop their well-being and self-confidence.
Our team of educators are committed to providing the highest quality care and education and are consistently working towards continuous improvement in all areas of early education and management. Our Educators place children’s learning at the centre of planning and implementation. Educators design engaging and challenging learning experiences through planned integration of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Educators build professional skills and knowledge around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment to continuously enhance their practice and improve children’s learning.
Educators build warm, positive, caring and responsive relationships with children allowing them to feel a sense of security, well-being and belonging. Educators take an active role in nurturing and supporting children’s social competence providing children with the foundation that allows them to understand and self-regulate their own emotions and negotiate their interactions with others.
We believe that building genuine relationships and partnerships with families supports children in achieving their goals and learning outcomes. We strive for a sense of belonging for all families through a systematic and intentional approach to building and maintaining partnerships with families. We endeavour to understand and support families backgrounds, values, culture and life experiences. By understanding families expectations for their child assists us to form a good working relationship with each family ensuring we work together to foster children’s learning and holistic development. We acknowledge the original custodians of this land, the Dharawal people and their language and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the community. We role model positive interactions at all times continuously working towards developing and maintaining respectful and ethical relationships with team members, children, families and the wider community.
We are an equal opportunity employer that strives to make sure that there is no unlawful conduct in its employment practices or in its workplaces at work or in connection with work.
Our network support group manages administrative tasks and supports effective leadership and management of the service. This frees up educators to concentrate on the delivery of high quality services to the children and their families contributing to quality environments for children’s learning and development. Well-documented policies and procedures, well-maintained records, shared values, clear direction and reflective practices enable the services to function as a learning community.