About Us
Oxford Multicultural Childcare Centre is an extension of the Little Peoples Early Learning Centres. Providing care for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years our programs are based on the Early Years Learning Framework with a focus on Being, Belonging, and Becoming. An extensive Transition to School Program included for our pre-prep students. Outdoor learning areas dedicated for each age group, all with soft fall and our centre is approved as Sun Smart by the Cancer Council. Extensive range of age appropriate resources for each age group, including computers and smart screens for our older children. Long opening hours and open for 52 weeks a year, closing only for Public Holidays.
Oxford Multicultural Centre Nominated Supervisor’s Profile
Morning tea, Lunch & Afternoon tea are all provided
At Little Peoples we believe that healthy eating habits are formed in early childhood and that children’s nutrition is important to their health and life long development, that is why our nutritional menu incorporates the daily dietary requirements of children.
All meals are specially prepared in the centre.
If your child has any special nutritional needs, food allergies or sensitivities, please let your centre supervisor know.
Our centres are a ‘nut & egg free’ environment.
Fee Assistance
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is paid directly to services to help with the cost of child care for families who use approved and/or registered care such as this Little Peoples Centre. You can claim this subsidy using your Centrelink online account through myGov.
If you do not already have an account you can create one by visiting https://my.gov.au
Link your myGov account to Centrelink – you can do this under ‘Services’.
Once an account has been created you must log in and complete your Child Care Subsidy Assessment.
The Child Care Subsidy is income tested and is assessed by Centrelink in conjunction with the Governments determined priority of access guidelines for child care centres and child immunisation requirements.
For further advice and assistance visit: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/child-care-subsidy
or contact the myGov Helpdesk on 13 23 07